Animal Show Inside the Baluarte

Animal show inside the Baluarte

It was around 11:30am on May 15th, 2015 when there was animal show inside the Baluarte. My friends and I hurriedly went there and observed the show. We saw a lot of animals in the said event. The host of the event asked for some volunteers to come in front and they were told to just open their hands widely as the assistant of the show would give them something. That something was an animal. The people who volunteered didn't have any idea what they would hold because the person that would hand them something was on the back of the stage. Of course, the audience got a glimpse first on what animal would be put on to them. People were yelling while seeing the animal. Snakes, squirrels, iguanas and many more were being hold by the volunteers and they shouldn't put the animal down unless the assistant would take it from them.

 Host of the animal show.

 Spectators of the show

 Squirrel on the girl's hand.

 The cutest squirrel I've ever seen.

 Volunteer from the audience holding a snake.

The Palawan binturong or Palawan bearcat

See also: 
Strolling inside the Baluarte, VIGAN CITY
Animals to See When Visiting the Baluarte in Ilocos Sur
See Also:Top Things to do When in Vigan City


This blog is about travelling, lifestyle, food, photography, etc. You can email me at


  1. That some sort of squirrel is so cute~ ^O^ By any chance, can you buy them there? If not, you should've stuffed it inside your pocket---or bag..hihihih

    1. Haha.. yeah. It's super cute but we can't take it home :(
